Wednesday, May 6, 2020

I Have A Friend Who Is Not Proficient In Sports. Compared

I have a friend who is not proficient in sports. Compared to other males, he calls himself the â€Å"worst at sports.† During physical education class in high school, his class had competitions to see who would run the fastest. They all got separated into groups, so they can compete one group at a time. As his group competed, everyone was staring my friend and made strange facial expressions. After the run, people started coming up to him and saying, â€Å"You run like a girl† or â€Å"You have a form of a girly girl running.† He had a whole bunch of teases that came from his classmates, and the only reason that people ridicule him is because he is gay. In today’s society, it is a controversial issue that people are mocking those who are part of the†¦show more content†¦In addition to this, there are also female athletes who are part of the LGBT community. Some of them are WNBA player Brittney Griner, Olympic soccer player Megan Rapinoe, tennis legend Billie Jean King, and former WNBA player Sheryl Swoopes. Before the law of gay marriage passing in 2015, many LGBT people were scared to tell everyone that they are gay because they were afraid that people were going to ridicule them. Especially in the media, professional athletes were struggling to tell the whole world that they are gay. The media, of course, wants to know every detail in professional athletes’ lives, so everyone else in the world can hear about them. Because of the increase of media outlets, like Facebook and Twitter, more and more people are into social media, which makes it harder for the LGBT express themselves. Media and sports are huge in today’s society. Sports get their popularity because of media. The audience is more attentive with sports because of the wide range of media outlets out there. As more media outlets are created, more people are interested in sports. Media outlets, such as ESPN and CBS Sports, play a crucial role in the growth of sports. The media loves to share everything that is happening in sports, which is why they share announcements of the LGBTQ people. Many athletes publicly announce that they are a part of the LGBTQ community through media. Because of media, many people get to react to howShow MoreRelatedLearning And Socio Emotional Behavior1509 Words   |  7 Pagesconstantly hungry. Although like most kids his age leans toward junk food when given the option his mother has made a point to provide healthy snacks to take to school giving Debster a greater appreciation for nutrition. As far as health issues, parents have said he’s been relatively healthy overall even managing to avoid a bad flu that swept through his class last year. 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